Monday, 2 August 2010

Life is not always easy..

Alex was having too much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's..He decided to slow down his pace with a broken arm..We got a phone call Saturday from Grandpa at the hospital..Alex was playing Red Light Green Light at the local rollerskating rink..Not so good at the Red light part..he fell backwards and broke the arm..There was a doctor there to splint his arm and ended up being a Bishop, so Alex recieved a blessing right away..He was a trooper at the hospital, never complaining about the pain..He was definetely watched over from above..Now he is just chillin'....No more swimming this summer...


  1. Poor little guy. Roller skates and kids. Yikes! Great picture. Hope he gets better soon.

  2. Poor Alex!! I meant to ask you yesterday how he was doing! What luck about the doctor/Bishop being at the skating rink! Hang in there Alex!!!



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