Saturday, 29 November 2008

Peter's Accomplishment

Reading my friend Robin's blog reminded me of Peter's day's accomplishment....I hound him every year for the lights on the house cause I know he hates ladders...but he sucked it up and was brave enough to face his heights...We now have our Christmas lights up and running...Thanks it is not snowing but the usual rain is visiting us again..

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Thanksgiving was at Peter's parents house...We had his sister, her husband, and two children, Karl, Peter's brother and his wife, my mom and my of course the hosts...Grandma and Grandpa....the food was excellent and we still feel like stuffed turkeys....Anna-Maria and her cousin Megan decided to play dress up in the middle of the meal...a great way to reuse the Dance Dresses....Over the river and through the woods......

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Indians abound

Today was Anna-Maria's Thanksgiving was cute as expected with no mishaps....The kids sang loud and clear....then had a great feast afterwards...with butter they churned....

Monday, 17 November 2008

What a weekend...Peter has been counting done to the second when the new Bond movie came out...So off we go Friday night to Lincoln Square in Bellevue for a showing...Oops..didn't buy tickets in advance..all sold out....The next morning Peter takes me downtown Seattle, buys tickets for that night so we don't make the same mistake...At 8:15pm I'm telling him we need to go up to the theater..No,No we have plenty of time, it starts at 8:40 I tell him again we need to go up...When we get there the line snakes around the whole top floor...Luckily we can sit together because I needed some to squeeze during the action scenes, which are every 5 seconds it seems...Since then I've dreamed of driving fast in an expensive car, going off

Thursday, 13 November 2008

I thought this morning that the day was going pretty good...till I saw Mika's facebook status stating..."Monika is wondering where the heck are her parents'..They were supposed to have arrived at her house ,resting from a long flight from Venice...No..they had plane troubles and spent the night in a hotel I don't know where and didn't arrive in Dulles airport till today....I am on this coast line wondering what's going on because Mom is expected here at 8:50pm from DC...After a few hours I get a call...we arrived at Dulles and will just turn around and depart as planned..As if that was going to happen..My mom and dad have had a trip and a half...Dad is now resting at Mikas and mom is in the air 4 hours later than planned because her United flight had rudder difficulties and didn't take off as planned...Needless to say I will be at the airport at 1:00 am picking her up and hoping to stay awake...Of course this is the week that I decide to break my Coke habit....4 days straight now..That's a record.......

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Nightly reading

Anna-Maria comes running into the family room giggling " Alex is asleep reading his book and it's not even 7:30 pm yet"...I think it's funny but she couldn't share the joke with me for long because 10 minutes later she is out too...Nights around our house are happening action filled.....

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Rainy Day

So lucky me... the kids had three days off for Parent Teacher Conferences....which I find a waste of time since I know exactly how they are doing in school...I personnally think the conferences should be for the kids who are trouble makers or behind in their studies...I always feel bad at the end when they asked if I have any questions and I'm struggling in my mind to make up one to make them feel needed... The kids of course love these days off...It's raining so the zoo is out of can only go to McDonalds so many times, and the tv is doing overtime...At least Alex found a friend home in the neighborhood and Nash(a boy I watch during the school year) and Anna-Maria play games...I just dream of naptime....

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Fabulous Friday

I took pictures of this great night but then realized I couldn't show them without revealing a few people's Christmas gifts in the making...Fabulous Friday was a blast...It was a relief society event for the sisters in the ward....We brought junk food and our smiles....It was a night to bond with hot glue guns in hand...I loved learning new ideas and recipes..especially the White Chocolate Peppermint brittle...Yum....Thanks Presidency...

Monday, 3 November 2008

Bond with family and nature

After being sugared out on Halloween we decided to visit Grandma and Grandpa and become more sugared out.....No that was not our goal but we accomplished it just the same.. We set out early on Sunday to Yakima to see the invalid....Grandpa was suppose to be sick but when we arrived he was dressed and ready for church...we were a little under dressed for that occasion so we set off to enjoy the outdoors for a couple of hours...We headed up to Boulder Cave, an hours drive from Yakima to find out it closed two days ago for the winter...So plan B was to find the suspension bridge that Jolie found with her family...A lucky guess and we were there..just avoid men with guns and orange vests....The kids were chickens at first but finally daring each to best the other they made it across and back..Anna-Maria did it with no hands...Alex held onto each cord very tightly....It was a gorgeous day...which we loved after having to drive in downpour rain over the pass....Back to Grandma and Grandpa's for lunch with cousins Andrew and Megan...Peter's sister Debbie flew up from San get away from the she came to help Sharon who had her back operated on.....We had a fantastic time....bonding and teasing....the kids don't care what we do as long as they are together....


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