Monday, 9 March 2009


I know they say never regret the past but look to improve the future but I do regret some things..Reading my friend Robin's blog reminded me of yesterday..Anna-Maria has to turn in a report on her as a baby....What was her fist word, what did she do that was funny, etc...I don't remember....I never recorded those events..It was pre-blog time....I can remember her as a two year old but not before..She screamed a lot but that isn't what you want to be remembered for...The whole thing reminded me why journal writing is important...Memories fade, technology doesn't....

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome. I love how you put that. Anne Maria was such a sweet baby. Her eyes kept me hypnotized during church. I don't remember her crying much. She was so sweet and looked like a little doll angel. I, too love your blog and wish I had started many years ago when they were little and those memories could have been preserved.



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