Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Happy New Year! Felice Anno Nuovo! Guten Rusch!

Monday, 29 December 2008

Happy New Year...

It's been a fun and adventuress year...learning more about blogging and about moving...even if the move was only three blocks....The kids are growing up too fast and I don't want to get older....This new year is one for changes...in the attitude and health...so Happy New Year to all...I wish for everyone to make new goals and have the strength to keep them.....Line upon Line....

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Merry Christmas to All

Christmas morning, nice and clean.....
an half hour later....................... The kids were excited about all their gifts. We were excited they sleped in till 7:30am...We adventured out once to Kristi's..Fabulous food and company. It was a lot of fun..we felt very spoiled....The adventure came from looking for a parking spot, being pushed out of the parking spot, and almost not making it into our own driveway....We are ready for the rain to come back........Merry Christmas!

Monday, 22 December 2008

Snow Days

Excitement around our house this week has been staying home in the warm cozy house and watching the snow fall and fall and fall...Seattle is not use to this much snow....the roads in our area are not plowed so Peter has been working from home....we tried to make a snowman but the snow is too powdery...Church was cancelled for the region...and I'm getting sick of board games....Hawaii anyone?

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Snow all around...

Let it snow, let it snow.... Minutes after coming home from church they
were out and playing.
What's funny is the night before at dinner they looked at the snow coming down and asked if they could play in the snow on Sunday...We said sure that seems fair.....Wow you will let us out Mommy? I didn't realize Sunday was prison sentence for them....

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Christmas Letter

Happy Holidays…. News of 2008

I thought this year deserved a letter of recognition. We had a fun and eventful year in all. I know that we are both on Facebook so most of you see how we are doing on a daily basis but a recap is in order.
Peter was working at WaMu ‘til April. I know that you are thinking it was crazy of him to switch jobs when WaMu is such a strong stable bank…But yes Peter started a new stage in his career as a finance operations manager at Resource Recycling Technologies…a company that recycles metals such as copper and lead…He loves his new job. His commute is a little longer even though in miles it is closer to home. He has flexible hours, which I love, and he loves the small company feel.
I still work at Coldwater Creek one day a week…It is relaxing and fulfilling. The rest of the week I baby-sit an 11 year old before and after school. He is easy going and friendly…not energetic like my kids.
Alex has entered third grade. He is excelling at everything he loves. Reading, computer games, and neighborhood play dates. He is a Bear in the Cub Scouts and has the best leader. Me…
Anna-Maria has stepped into the world of public school. Welcome to Kindergarten. She is in heaven…who can blame her…a Mecca of coloring, singing, and playing. I would be excited too.
As you know we (I) love to move. So in July we moved out of the temporary apartment nearby and into a home about four blocks away. We wanted to stay in the ward we are in because it has been fantastic. Every week has been a spiritual high for us.
Our health is good and our home is happy. That is all I ask for and pray that yours will be too in the coming year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Peter, Tammy, Alex, and Anna-Maria

Friday, 5 December 2008

Tonight is Saint Nicholas Eve...which is a tradition in my family since living in Europe...The kids put their shoes out and in the morning Saint Nicholas has filled them with toys and candy....we always get an ornament and chocolate...I haven't been bad yet so no switches for me...Anna-Maria has put her shoe right smack in the middle of the front door for the last week and we keep tripping over it....think she is excited? Hope I remember to do my duty tonight so there are no empty shoes...


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