Sunday, 7 September 2008

Today in Relief Society they lesson was on keeping journals....I haven't kept a journal since my mission and I won't say how many years ago that was....We were talking about different variety of journal keeping and someone mentioned Blogs...I never thought of this as my journal but it works...I was just reading my friend Robin's and I can visualize her everyday life with the kids...the memories that we record will be valuable in some years when the kids aren't home to wake us in the night, make us scratch our heads with wonderment, and make us laugh for the silly things that come out of their mouths....

1 comment:

  1. I had just told someone the other day that I was using my blog as a journal because I can't seem to pull out that book and write in it. Somehow writing for someone now is easier so they can enjoy. One day others may be able to as well. Thanks for being such a good friend and sharing your blog with me.



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