Anna-Maria is 7 years old. Her birthday was celebrated over a few days. First we went to Grandma and Grandpa Hessler's for a couple of days. There she got to celebrate her birthday with her cousins and Aunt and Uncle..She loved the attention of course and the gifts. The night before her birthday we went to Ikea for dinner and to collect the free birthday flashlight..Big stuff here..The night of her actual birthday we had a family party. Nana and Papa came up from Oregon and her Aunt Kristi came over from Seattle. She was very excited, probably because she is counting down to when she turns 8.
Her new taller bike..
Goof offs..
She loves her Ginny doll and the clothes Nana made.
Fabulous Cupcake Pjs provided by Aunt Kristi...
Looks like she got spoiled. I love the cupcake pjs.