Saturday, 18 September 2010

Scout hike Ratttlesnake ridge

Alex's first Boy Scout Hike..Be prepared wasn't in his water,snacks and dressed as warmly as possible for 70 degree weather...Still loved it...

He got out of doing errands with Mom and Dad instead..yahooooo...

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

School must go on...

Yep, it's that time of the year again..The kids worst nightmare...Back to School. Alex got to wear his cast for the first day..Then it was off to the doctor to take it off...
Anna-Maria looks thrilled..She hates it when I take photos the first day..She asked if I was going to take photos of her first day when she is 40 and in high school. I said "No way, you won't be living at home at 40 if your still in high school."

Mr. Safey you can see he loves having his photo taken too...

row,row, row your boat

We were treated to a day at the Lake of the Woods near Nana and Papa's. It's a beautiful lake, cool on a hot day...
I'm surprised but Papa convinced the two chickens to use a paddle boat..They loved it...

Oh what do you do? She wore this chair everywhere..Doesn't make a great backpack though...Homeward bound after this trip...Too bad..The kids wanted to stay at Nana and Papa's forever..There's room right?!


way back