Sunday, 30 December 2007

Alex has had this loose tooth in the front for awhile and it was drive us crazy. He looked like an old gizzer with one tooth left. So we did the old door trick and it worked....We found it afterwards, not like when Shawn did mine and the tooth was lost forever. The molenator will be visiting tonight.

Friday, 28 December 2007

Christmas this year

As you can see Alex and Anna-Maria were very happy with their Santa gifts. Anna-Maria got her sleeping bag( which she slept in that night) and Alex got his ship carrrier( he is really into war and soldiers right now.) We had a nice and quiet Christmas, not a white one.....

belgian recipes

here is a great website for Belgian makes me drool... The downunder site has the best for some reason....enjoy....

Thursday, 20 December 2007

End of the year

Can't you feel the love........

This is my first blog. I got so addicted to Kristi's that I had to start my own......i just love looking at the pictures of my nieces and nephews progress. This last year was really busy so here are a couple of pictures of the kids.

Alex at his first 2nd grade musical. A picture to keep for the girlfriends later......


way back